Addressbook plugin
The AddressBook plugin provides an efficient and easy way to store information about your contacts.
Activate the plugin
As with all other plugins you can activate the AddressBook plugin (if you are currently using another plugin) simply by clicking the plugins icon in the toolbar located on the left. Each of the icons in that toolbar represents a plugin.
User interface basics
To make the use of Aethera easy all the plugins have a consistent user interface. This means that you are not required to aquire new skills to use one plugin or another. The AddressBook plugin is not exception.
The plugin has a folder tree view on the left to allow you to organize your contacts in a more efficient manner. To operate on the folder tree you have to right-click one of the folders. From this point any operation that you will select from the context menu will be applied to that folder.
Of course you it is impossible to rename, move or delete the root of the folder tree. So the only operations permitted the root folder are creation of a new contact or contact group and expunge
A new contact
Before you create a new contact you have to decide what folder you whant to put it in.
If you choose the wrong folder or decide later to move the contact to a different folder
simply click the cut icon in the plugin toolbar (if you want to copy the
contact click the
copy icon).
To create a new contact click new contact icon or select "New contact"
from the folder tree context menu. A new unnamed contact will be created. You will be able to see
the new contact in the contact list.
Click the unnamed contact in the contact list. You can start to enter information by double-clicking or by selecting edit from the context menu displayed if you right-click on the contact name.
At this point all you have to do is enter the information that you like in the dialog presented to you and then click Ok.
The contact currently selected in the contact list will be displyed under the contact list.
To get a map of the contacts residence city simply click the "Get map" link located at the bottom of the contact info display area